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GLC分院协同︱GLCx国合x金融:“一茶·一世界”Global Tea Culture体验活动

2024.05.24            浏览量:










紧接着,我们跨越重洋,来到了印度,品尝那浓郁而充满异域风情的Masala Chai。那独特的香料味道与牛奶的交融,让我们在味蕾上体验了一次文化的碰撞与融合。这种茶内加入了多味香料,如豆蔻、茴香、肉桂、丁香和胡椒等,与牛奶一同煮制,再加入适量的糖,呈现出独特的甜香味道。

外教风趣地称Masala Chai为“红烧肉茶”,同学们听后纷纷心领神会,忍俊不禁。在品尝时,大家不禁感叹这种茶的丰富口感和异域风情。

之后是土耳其的花果茶。土耳其的花果茶以其酸甜可口的味道和独特的煮茶工具吸引了同学们的注意。“子母”不锈钢煮茶壶(Turkish teapot)和沙漏型茶杯让茶的冲泡过程充满了仪式感。同学们在品尝时,仿佛置身于土耳其的街头巷尾,感受着那里的悠闲与惬意。


紧接着是摩洛哥的薄荷茶Mint Tea。这种茶以绿茶为基础,再加入大量的薄荷叶和糖煮制而成。茶味清新宜人,带有淡淡的薄荷香气。同学们在品尝时,纷纷表示这种茶提神醒脑,让人心旷神怡。    







I am very happy to participate in this Sino-foreign cultural exchange and testing activity, which has benefited me a lot. In this activity, we learned about and tasted teas of seven different countries. It also let me know that some teas can be drunk alone, while some other teas can be paired with dessert.

My favorites are China’s little green mandarin and Russia’s blueberry tea. I think the former smells fragrant. Its entrance is a little bit bitter, with a sweet aftertaste. The latter smells sweet and has some fruit sweetness at the entrance. It tastes different with dessert.

I think this activity is very successful. The atmosphere is relaxed and pleasant and the content is rich and interesting, which makes my love for tea even stronger. I hope to participate in such activities in the future to broaden my horizon.


统本金融2201班 孙菲阳

This afternoon I participated in a very interesting English activity with the theme of Global Tea Culture Party. In the activity, I learned about the tea culture of seven countries that have their own characteristics. What impressed me the most was the Indian Masala tea. It looks like dark food, but it tastes good. Before this event, I didn't have much understanding of global tea culture and I only know Chinese tea culture. But now I have learned that there are not only teas made of fruits in the world, but also teas made of spices. The blooming of global tea culture shows the colorful diverse cultures of different countries, and promotes the exchange and integration of different cultures.


统本金融2301班 王显琴

I participated in the global culture event this Wednesday afternoon. Eugene, a foreign teacher, told us about tea from seven different countries, including China, Japan, India, Britain, Turkey,Morocco, and Russia. He also allowed us to taste tea from different countries.

Through this event, I learned that each country has its own unique way of enjoying and making tea. For example, Japanese matcha, Chinese kungfu tea, British afternoon tea, and so on. These cultural experiences have allowed me to appreciate the reverence and significance of tea among people from different countries, as well as the importance of tea in people’s lives. I have gained a better respect for and understanding of different cultural differences. It was an unforgettable experience!    


统本金融2302班 李丛


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